Snoring splints, splints for correcting teeth and sports mouth guards
Here you will find an overview of different rail types. Splints are worn in the mouth, similar to braces. Depending on what task the splint is used for, the splints differ in appearance, shape and wearing time.
We have been certified since 2021
- certified by the Institute for Sleep Medicine in the field of dental sleep medicine and can therefore competently offer “anti-snoring splints” and better mandibular protrusion splints (UPS).
- for aligner therapy with Harmonie ® rails from the ORTHOS specialist laboratory to correct mild to moderate tooth misalignments.
- as well as for the production of sports mouthguards.
Anti-snoring splint
Anti-snoring splint/mandibular protrusion splint (UPS)
Do you snore? Do you suffer from sleep apnea (stopped breathing)? Already using a C-PAP machine that isn't really your best friend? Then a lower jaw protrusion splint (UPS) may be able to help you.
When we sleep, the lower jaw slides back and our throat and tongue muscles relax - sometimes so much that the upper airways become partially closed and the passage/throat through which air enters our lungs narrows. This narrowing causes the air in our throat to vibrate, causing the familiar sound of snoring.
In addition to positive pressure ventilation using C-PAP masks, the mandibular protrusion splint (UPS) is a therapeutic option for the treatment of sleep-related breathing disorders. It helps those affected to keep their airways open while sleeping and thereby prevent breathing disorders. The ease of carrying the UPS is uncomplicated for patients. The “anti-snoring splint”, which is individually adapted to the patient at the dentist, is placed on the teeth at night and worn while sleeping. This gently holds the lower jaw (with the tongue muscle attached to it) in a forward position (protrusion). The tongue is held in front, thereby preventing a narrowing of the airways. The UPS is a fast and invisible problem solver. In around 90 percent of cases, it can provide relief and lead to the complete disappearance of snoring.
Splints for teeth straightening
Splints for teeth straightening
Have your teeth shifted over the years? And do you mind? But you don't want ugly braces?
Transparent splints (aligners) are therefore suitable for correcting mild to moderate misalignments of teeth. With the help of slightly differently shaped and comfortable splint sets, the teeth are pushed into the correct position step by step. Because the splints are highly transparent, they are almost invisible in the mouth and are therefore very suitable for inconspicuous and everyday tooth correction.
Sports mouthguard
Sports mouthguard
Do you actively do sports and are worried about your (front) teeth?
A sports mouthguard can help here. It is individually manufactured and worn in the mouth like braces with an integrated shock absorber. Sports with close physical contact and high speed as well as sports that involve rackets carry an increased risk of tooth injuries. The German Society for Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine recommends a sports mouthguard for the following sports: American football, baseball, basketball, boxing and other martial arts, ice hockey, field hockey, soccer, gymnastics, handball, inline skating, cycling, horse riding, rugby , skate boarding and water polo.
CMD/crunch splints
CMD/crunch splints
Are your cheeks tense?
Do you often have headaches or facial pain? The mouth opening is not as usual? Does your ears crack when you open your mouth? Then you may be suffering from bruxism or CMD.
Every person reacts differently to excessive stress. Some people develop a stomach/intestinal disease, others a heart/circulatory disease (e.g. high blood pressure), and still others clench or grind their teeth, which affects around 10% to 20% of the population. Emotional stress and psychological tension are the main causes of this phenomenon, known in technical terms as bruxism. Anyone who reacts to stress by “grinding their teeth” or “biting through” is, so to speak, “bodybuilding” the chewing muscles without “stretching” - and over-stressing their jaw joints. In addition to stress, other factors such as sleep-related breathing disorders, drug abuse (alcohol, nicotine) and some medications also play a role in the development of bruxism. As a rule, those affected are not aware of the nocturnal activities of their chewing organ. They often only notice that something is wrong after the consequences of the nighttime attacks.
Due to the enormous pressure we build up with our jaw muscles, our head and jaw can ache in the morning. The muscles don't always have to hurt. The body can certainly compensate for short-term “phases of tension”. Here you can usually see the consequences on your teeth. Grinding abrades the chewing surfaces. “Cut facets” are created on the tooth cusps. In addition, fine lines can form in the enamel, so-called enamel cracks, and the necks of the teeth can become hypersensitive. Furthermore, without relief, sustained overexertion of the muscles over a longer period of time can cause the muscles to gradually harden or enlarge. Small, painful nodules develop and the interaction between muscles and joints is disrupted. In addition, the overall position of the jaw can change, which can cause inflammatory or degenerative processes in the jaw joint. A CMD is the result.
CMD is the abbreviation for Cranio-Mandibular Dysfunction. This is also commonly referred to as temporomandibular joint disease. CMD describes a dysfunction of the interaction of the teeth, chewing muscles and jaw joints. Normally these function together as a “chewing organ”. With CMD, this interaction no longer works, hence the term “dysfunction” or sometimes “dysbalance”
What treatment options are there?
1. It all starts with introspection
It is important that the affected person becomes more sensitive to phases of clenching and grinding that occur during the day. If you observe yourself, you may find yourself clenching your teeth in certain situations. This introspection alone can reduce the frequency of clenching and grinding.
2. Examination/functional diagnostics
The examination begins with a clinical functional analysis. This involves examining your entire jaw and head area in a very thorough, painless examination. If this clinical functional analysis confirms that the suspicion of CMD was justified, additional examinations enable the results to be confirmed. This includes dental instrumental functional analysis and the production of an MRI to rule out tumors and to assess structural and positional changes in the articular cartilage. For this we refer you to an x-ray practice.
3. Splint therapy
In many cases, the first step is targeted treatment with bite devices and specially designed “crunch splints” (technical term: “occlusion splints”). - Custom-made relaxation splints are usually used here, which support the teeth in the corrected jaw joint position so that the jaws can rest on each other in a relaxed manner. Since the jaw positions adjust over the course of the treatment, it is essential that we check the splints regularly and that their position is carefully adjusted.
4. Physiotherapy
In certain cases, physiotherapeutic treatment should also be carried out to support the effect of the dental treatment. This combination treatment enables targeted treatment of the jaw muscles as well as manual relief of the jaw joints - even stretching if necessary. When orthopedic influences are a cofactor in the development of CMD, physiotherapeutic treatment helps correct the actual causes.
5. Other disciplines
Orthopedist: In some cases, a consultative orthopedic examination and, if necessary, additional treatment should also be carried out so that causes, for example in the area of the supporting apparatus, can be identified and treated in a timely manner.
6. Mental coaches
Another cause of teeth grinding and clenching is psychological. Our time is characterized by great uncertainty and change, and you are welcome to get help here. An examination and consultation with a psychotherapist often helps to uncover the connections and make them understandable and to develop strategies for remedial action.