Here you will find an overview of our diagnostic services and therapies for dental diseases.
We offer the complete range of oral surgical treatments:
- Removal of tooth and remains of roots
- root resection (apicoectomy)
- removal of impacted teeth (e.g. Wisdom teeth)
- Periodontal surgery
- Surgical covering of cervical cavity
With the aid of our OP microscope we are able to conduct gentle, minimally invasive surgery..
Filling treatments
Filling treatments
Today, for the benefit of your health, we are able to dispense with amalgam and provide fillings made from synthetic materials (composites), ceramics, or gold.
Direct filling treatment
With minimally invasive fillings (maximum protection of hard tooth substances) and for aesthetic reasons, we use tooth-coloured fillings made from a light-curing synthetic material with ceramic particles (composites) using our multi-layer and dentin-adhesive techniques. During treatment, a rubber or dental dam isolates the tooth against moisture. This leads to significantly higher quality and results in greater durability of the filling.
Statutory health insurance allows for an amalgam filling as standard treatment. With an additional payment, though, you can get a synthetic filling which is more aesthetic and gentler on your teeth. In that case, your health insurance will reimburse you for the cost of an amalgam filling. The amount will already be deducted before issuing the invoice so you will only have to pay the remaining costs.
An amalgam filling at no charge is, of course, also available.
Indirect filling treatment
In cooperation with a dental laboratory we are also able to treat bigger tooth damages with inlays made from ceramics or gold..
Gum Treatments
Gesundes Zahnfleisch ist fest und rosa. Krankes, entzündetes Zahnfleisch hingegen ist dunkelrot, blutet leicht und riecht zuweilen unangenehm. Zahnfleischbluten, -schwellungen und -rötungen sind erste Anzeichen für eine Zahnfleischentzündung, aus der sich eine Entzündung des Zahnhalteapparats (Parodontitis) entwickeln kann, die in fortgeschrittenem Stadium zu Zahnlockerungen oder gar Zahnverlust führen kann.
It is our responsibility to identify and treat this disease at an early stage in order to prevent the loosening or loss of teeth.
Periodontitis treatment
Since periodontitis is a disease mainly caused by bacteria, the therapy focuses on reducing or, at best, eliminating the bacteria. In most cases, this is achieved by means of a mechanical cleaning or the removal of hard and soft plaque (biofilm, tartar, concrements) from tooth and root surfaces.
Periodontitis treatment is divided into two stages:
2. Actual periodontitis treatment
Within 24 hours, all gingival pockets and respective root surfaces are cleaned from biofilm and/or concrements. This occurs during local anaesthesia with gentle ultra sound treatment.
1. Pre-treatment:
In two sessions at an interval of two to three weeks, hard and soft plaque are cleaned from the teeth above the gums. This is accompanied by instructing the patient on his or her domestic measures needed for oral hygiene and lending support and motivation. In cases of chronic and/or particularly aggressive periodontitis, the responsible germs can be determined in a laboratory by means of a DNA test in order to facilitate an individually adjusted antibiotic therapy with a significantly higher chance of success. The antibiotic therapy takes place at the same time as mechanical root planing.
3. Follow-up care
After periodontitis therapy, regular prophylactic visits to our practice, as well as good domestic oral hygiene are especially important in order to guarantee the permanent success of the treatment. We are happy to support you in choosing the right follow-up/prophylaxis intervals and suitable aids for your dental hygiene.
Correcting Gum Shape/Pink Aesthetics
The deliberate receding (slimming) of gums during and after recovery can lead to impairments.
2. Disharmonious gum shape
In case the gums have strongly receded in cosmetically visible areas and the gingival margin looks irregular, cosmetic gum surgery for a more harmonious appearance is possible.
1. Exposed tooth necks
In case of exposed tooth necks, or if they are very sensitive to cold, the affected tooth neck can be covered by means of a small surgical treatment.
Bone regeneration
It is always possible to regenerate damaged gum tissue or bones in advanced stages of periodontitis by means of microsurgery. However, the chances of success regarding the bone gain can only be assessed individually.
Should a tooth be too defective for a filling or if the whole tooth, several teeth or even all the teeth are missing, a laboratory-made prosthesis is required. In cooperation with our partners in dental laboratories, we are able to produce the appropriate prosthesis for every situation, every taste, and every budget.
In an extensive counselling interview, we find the right solution together with our patients and create a treatment plan which includes all the required steps right up to the reconstruction. Naturally, this also includes a list of all estimated costs.
Geriatric dentistry
Geriatric dentistry
HDue to increasing life expectancy, the demographic development, and the resulting growing number of elderly people, aspects of geriatric dentistry move closer and closer to the focus of our practice. In this field, a holistic treatment approach which includes the whole medical condition of the elderly or very old patient is required. Often, this also calls for an interdisciplinary approach (treatment in consultation with other specialist, e.g. cardiologists).
In order to meet the needs of our elderly patients, Dr Daniela Schramm dedicated herself to the curriculum of geriatric dentistry in 2011. Since her successful graduation, this has been her area of expertise as well as one of her primary focuses.
Since our practice is, unfortunately, not accessible for the handicapped – our patients have to climb seven steps – we also offer to examine our patients at home, in retirement homes, or on nursing wards. We then individually decide whether further treatment on-site, in our practice, or possibly in hospital is required.
Root canal treatment
Root canal treatment
No prosthesis is as compatible as your own teeth!
We therefore always try to preserve your natural teeth, even if they are diseased right down to the nerve and require extensive treatment. These measures may be laborious, but they help preserve your natural teeth. During root treatment, the diseased and infected nerve of the tooth is removed. The treatment is carried out under local anaesthesia and is practically pain-free.
Two things are important here: Firstly, all root canals must, if possible, be thoroughly cleaned. Secondly, a complete and bacteria-proof filling of these canals up to the root tip is the basis for the permanent preservation of the tooth. Due to the complex anatomy of the root canal, a conscientious root treatment first and foremost calls for a lot of time and the right technique. Numerous treatment steps have to be followed.
Root canal revision
Should a root canal treatment not lead to the desired result, i.e. the healing of the inflammable bone defect at the root tip, or should the patient suffer from pain, the root canal treatment can be repeated (revision). The goal of this revision is to free the root canal system from old filling material, cement, and bacteria as well as clean possible additional root canals or other bacterial reservoirs. In most cases, these treatment steps are conducted with the help of our OR microscope.
With the aid of our microscope, we are able to examine and treat difficult root canal conditions. This treatment is mainly necessary in case of additional hidden root canals, broken off root canal instruments, revisions of earlier root canal treatments or perforations and their coverings.
Bruxism/bite splint
Bruxism/bite splint
You often suffer from headaches or your jaw, neck or face hurts?
Your jaw muscels feel tired or tight or you sometimes have like a locked jaw that won't open or close completely or in a different way? You grind or clench your teeth which is loud enough to wake up your partner? So you might suffer from bruxism.
Causes for teeth grinding are wide ranging
Increased anxiety or stress can lead to teeth grinding. So can anger and frustration. Having a personality type that's competitive or hyperactive can increase your risk of bruxism. It also can be associated with some mental health and medical disorders, such as Parkinson's disease, dementia, gastroesophageal reflux disorder, epilepsy, night terrors, sleep-related disorders such as sleep apnea, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Bruxism may be an uncommon side effect of some psychiatric medications, such as certain antidepressants. Smoking tobacco, drinking caffeinated beverages or alcohol, or using recreational drugs may increase the risk of bruxism.
In most cases, bruxism doesn't cause serious complications. But severe bruxism may lead to:
- Damage to your teeth, restorations, crowns or jaw - Tension-type headaches - Severe facial or jaw pain - Disorders that occur in the temporomandibular joints (TMJs), located just in front of your ears, which may sound like clicking when you open and close your mouth
Therapeutic approach
1. Self-observation
Once you discover that you are grinding or clenching, you may be able to change the behavior by practicing proper mouth and jaw position.
2. Examination/ functional analysis
First of all there is the evaluation to find out the extent of grinding/clenching/bruxism: Like: the tenderness in your jaw muscles. Obvious dental abnormalities, or other damage to your teeth, the underlying bone and the inside of your cheeks. A dental exam may detect other disorders that can cause similar jaw or ear pain, such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, other dental problems or health conditions.
3. Splint therapie
Splints are custom made and designed to relax the muscels and keep teeth separated to avoid the damage caused by clenching and grinding.They are constructed of hard acrylic and fit in most oft the cases over your upper teeth.
4. Physiotherapy
In servere cases we need the help of physiotherapists to support our dental treatment.
5. Other approaches
Stress or anxiety management. If you grind your teeth because of stress, you may be able to prevent the problem by learning strategies that promote relaxation, such as meditation. If the bruxism is related to anxiety, advice from a licensed therapist or counselor may help.